08 September 2008

Last day already

I´m sitting in Guatemala, not really sure where the last few days have gone. Sorry there aren´t more photos like I had hoped. My plan was every 2nd day put the pictures I had taken on a cd and then I´d be able to put them on this blog. Sadly the memory card went bad and so I had to buy a new one but if fits like 10 times the amount of fotos so I didn´t have to keep putting them on cd´s. The pictures will come later when I am back in the good old USA. For my dad this has been an eye-opening experience. He really did love it and I feel that he came to understand why I love it so much here.

It is the people. Every where we went the people were wonderful. They are so happy and they love to live each day. They have simple lives without all the distractions that we face in the U.S. There wasn´t a day that I didn´t run the numbers to see how I could live down here. Old friends and new were so kind and friendly. Wherever we went we found friends and many of them you just feel like you have known them forever. I feel very lucky to have been back here and especially to have been able to bring my dad so he could see some sights and sounds of a very different world.

He says he wants to come back so there may just be another chapter later on. We will see how well that works out because afterall, today he tried to buy a stuffed squirrel for my little sister. It was very expensive though, better just catch one outside and give it to her. The world is a great place and I´m glad to have seen some more of it this last week.

01 September 2008

Sunday is well, lots of sun day

A picture with Fernando in the corner, read about him below.

Hola from Honduras. We slept well in the high rollin hotel and woke up to go to church in a little pueblo called Buena Vista. This is a pueblo where I lived 3 years ago. I could find a few landmarks but we ended up having one of my old friends take us around so we didn´t get too lost. We got to church and of course we were the only white people and everyone was very excited to see us. It was hard for me because many of the people I recognized but couldn´t remember the names. Of course we were all gathered in this little house converted to church and I was asked to share a message with the people. I was very excited to do this and it really was a great experience. However, when I stood up not 3 minutes passed by when the power went out. The little fan that we had going would no longer work so I knew it was going to get hot. I spoke on many things and reminded them of how lucky they are to live in such a great place. As I did this I was just sweating to death. Then I was done and I guess I didn´t talk as long as they wanted because the leader asked me to see if my dad wanted to speak too. So he got up and would say a sentence and I´d translate it for the people. It was a great experience to be there but I was soaked in sweat as this happened. My old friend Fernanado who used to just run around the streets without clothes was there with only shorts on and he wanted to keep touching me and hugging me as well and flip me off. He´s not all there and how Downs Syndrome but is one funny kid. I think I scared him a little when he blew me a kiss so I blew one back. Everyone laughed and I was just full of more thoughts of living in Buena Vista forever. Here are some pictures from Sunday.
Washing my hands in the PILA before going inside to help a lady make tortillas.The fire where the tortillas were cooked, you can also see some amazing meat that we ate cooking over the fire as well. It was a meal fit for a king.

The hotel where we stayed. Funny thing is the bottom line reads with all your extras. My dad thought that the spots on the sheets, hidden hairs between covers, toilet that leaked into the shower and the sink faucet that sprayed more water out the top that out the correct spot were all extras. He was very shocked by all the things that could happen and needless to say we had brought out sheets and he broke them out to sleep tonight. I froze as my dad insisted on having the AC on all night which was pretty much like sleeping with a semi truck. It was quite the night but we woke up in one piece and to the driping of the shower. I´ll find a picture of that later.

Sort of sideways but just tilt your head to enjoy the bathroom where we tried to get clean. I however think I was cleaner before, the towel I used didn´t exactly smell like roses.

Day of Travel

Saturday 30 August 2008

Today was an eye opening experience. For some reason I thought that a trip down the old PANAMERICAN HIGHWAY would be quick and easy. Little did I know that pretty much the entire trip would be in the winding roads of the mountains. It was a long drive but it was all so cool that I couldn´t close my eyes. Besides that if I would have tried chance are I´d open them only to find a car trying to pass coming right at us honking the horn. So I was able to see many pretty places in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras. I´m going to try to attach some pictures of that. Most of you who know me would be proud to know that I actually paid full price for something. Our first night in Honduras we stayed at the nicest hotel within a 3 hour ride. It was nice and the gecko in the shower didn´t scare my dad as much as it scared me.

The Guatemalan city of Antigua and my dad.

We slept well and I was enjoying the AC because it was so hot without it. You can´t just sit down and not sweat. It´s very humid and sticky like no other. It has been 3 years since I´ve been here so I guess I forgot how great it was.

The road ahead, we passed quite a few buses and one even had people hanging out of it. Sorry but I can´t see the pictures before I select them so I just have to add them without being too picky.

A small view of the valley below. I took this going about 80mph so I figured it turned out ok.