After work my friend and I took off. He drove for 2 hours, I drove for 2 hours. During my shift we had a close call with the Nevada Highway Patrol but nothing serious. We took an exit soon after where he drove for the next 4 hours and I drove the rest of the way to Idaho.
We got there about 8 am and the Spud Day Parade started at 10 so we had some time to relax. The small town parade life was awesome.
I was impressed with the turn out of Spud Day fans. It hailed, and rained, and was also sunny and bright. It just changed as quick as could be. I ate a world famous Winder Funnel Cake and I was in heaven.
At about 2 pm we left the small town fiesta and went home where we were quickly sleeping in the recliners that can only be found at the Bird house. We slept right through the Spud Tug or as some call it a tug-o-war over a pit of mashed potatoes.
When we woke up we went to the tourist spots as my family heavily insisted and while it wasn't much, my compadre was liking it. We saw potatoes in a cellar, I guess it doesn't get much better than that.
Next thing I knew it was 11:30am we were leaving church and out on the open road again. We made pretty good time for some reason even though I thought I did a much better job at keeping Bonnie around the speed limit. It must have been when my friend was driving. So we drove about 26 hours and spent about 27 hours in Idaho. It was a great trip but next time I think I'm just going to fly. Driving is so much work and it only makes me want to be a trucker.
I also went to Phoenix where my best friend I met on my mission got married. Sadly there is no proof to show I was there. I took my camera but never took a picture. I'm not exactly sure why this happened but most likely because I was not in a tourist type mood. I only like to take pictures when I'm feeling like a tourist.
I got to go inside the Mesa temple where he was married and that was pretty neat. My favorite part about this was his dad, I call him Mayor since he is the mayor of the great city of Duncan AZ, met me about 4 minutes before and was asking everyone in the temple if they had any single girls in their parties about my age. It was really funny as moms and grandmas would look me up and down to see if they could find a match. I told him there was no need to do such a thing as I never hope to live in such a hot place.
Another great part about Arizona was the family I stayed with. My fake grandma and grandpa I also met in Honduras were there and I stayed with them, their son, his wife and their 3 kids. That was really fun because we got to see the sights together. Costco was on place we went that sticks out. The two younger kids had on those shoes with wheels and they kept skating into me and I'd spin them around and get them in trouble but the adults didn't know I was doing anything to make them go faster and the kids didn't tell on me! It was a quick trip as my trips usually are but it was worth it to see my friend and his beautiful bride together.